This week I’m going to talk a littleabout Trap. If you’re just starting out in sporting clays this might be thegame for you. In trap you shoot five targetsfrom five different stations. Clay targets are fired off from ground level 16yards in front of you; from the “trap house” when you call out Pull. Also the trap machine oscillates left to rightwithin a 34 degree arc for added difficulty. Because the trap house is 48 feetin front of you, you can’t wait too long to shoot. Removable chokes are really handy in trap toreduce the spread of shot (small lead pellets) as they travel. I’ve had thebest luck with an improved modified choke. With experienced shooters, trap canmove pretty quickly.
I prefer skeet over trap because it’s more social. You can interact with your fellow shooters where in trap youare all in a horizontal line shooting right after the guy next to you.