This week I’m going to be introducing you to one my favorite
games, 5 stand. In 5 stand you surrounded
by eight trap machine throwing targets in many different directions. You shoot
in turn five times at each of the five stands. Each stand has different combinations of
targets. (See map below) At first 5 stand was an intimidating game to me. After a
little homework and knowing how the maps read, it became my favorite.
Games and Maps:
Before you start a round you must first choose what game number
you want to play. The games go from 1 to 6 with the higher the number the harder
the game. Let's say, if I play Game #3. My first shot is going to come from trap 7 (see map below). The second time I shoot I must shoot a double from traps 6 & 5 and the third time I shoot 8 & 3. After I've shoot five times I move to another stand and given another combination for traps to shoot.
Here is a picture of the 5 Stand.
I looked into some shooting clubs to join and asked about the different shooting they had and they mention some that you have. i cant wait to join